

As a family company in the second generation, we offer consulting and services for projects, businesses and private customers. Our core competence lies in insurance-related risk management. Internationally oriented and with a well developed network, we live by our motto: “Holistic Solutions – One Source”.

Welcome to RMI AG.

More than a Company...

Koni Wild, chairman and founder, in particular, and the Wild family, in general, stand behind RMI AG. The terms "Wild" and "family" are not just meaningless expressions here; rather they represent at once both our manifesto and our identity. Our "wild" ancestors on the family coat of arms are symbols. Thus RMI AG does not shy away from great challenges - quite the contrary. With will and conviction we seek out solutions, even where overwhelming odds make them seem impossible. Our weapons here are innovation, intellect, expertise and experience.


...a Family

Behind this irrepressible "wild" will stands a family. A family sticks together even when things go wrong and is founded on the pillars of loyalty, longevity and honesty. Not only do these attributes apply to internal relationships, they are also enshrined in RMI AG's corporate philosophy. In this way we serve as a bridge to customers that builds trust.



